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Container gardens for ALL ages and abilities

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June 10, 2023

Container gardens for ALL ages and abilities

Many people live where they don’t have space for a garden. A container garden is the perfect solution for all ages and all abilities. Almost anything can be grown in a container, except a large tree.

One of the easiest containers is a hanging basket. There’s so many available for Mother’s Day. You can purchase one already done, or you can customize it and put it together yourself. You can even grow vegetables like cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, or strawberries in a hanging basket.

For someone with limited space, they can have beauty and function with a mixed container of veggies and flowers. Containers can have vertical elements like tomatoes, pole beans, vines like Clematis or morning glory. The center can also be something bushy like a pepper plant. You can have carrots or lettuce around the vertical element and a cucumber, tiny pumpkin or trailing flowers like verbena, calibrachoa or make it all edible with edible flowers like nasturtium.

How to create a quick combo planter perfect for right outside the door. 

1. Choose the container and make sure it has proper drainage.

2. Fill container with good potting soil

3. Choose plants that have compatible growing needs – Sun vs. shade, more water or less, etc.

4. Put plants in – thriller, spiller, chiller – can be centered or tall in back, short in front.

5. Water well

6. Mulch

7. Fertilize a couple weeks later.

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