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Continue to learn about new plants – changing your landscape

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August 31, 2023

Continue to learn about new plants – changing your landscape

Flower breeding companies put in years of time and money into coming up with new plant varieties, new colors, and new plant traits. They are always working on improving current varieties, like the ability to withstand extreme weather conditions. Some of the specific traits they look for in flower breeding are; more flowers, bigger flowers, different flower shapes, certain colors, and disease resistance. This same process happens for vegetables, roses, perennials, and trees and shrubs.
There are thousands of new plants and the growers will pick which ones they will grow. Garden centers will then have samples of some of the new varieties for sale. Check them out, try them, let the garden centers know your outcomes. You never know what beauty they could bring to your landscape.
Flower TrialsEvery year the plant breeding companies hold “Flower Trials”. Each company is working on new plants, improved plants or crosses of plants. The trails are fun and a great opportunity to see 1,000’s of new plants that will be on the market in the coming years.

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