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Plan now for summer

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April 10, 2024

Plan now for summer

  • It’s hard to believe it is officially spring. It’s a good time to plan your landscape for warmer months. Demand is high and professionals are already booking up, so get on their calendars now.
  • Schedule services that you will not do yourself. These include spring activation of the sprinkler system, getting the lawnmower in the shop for maintenance and blade sharpening, and aeration of the lawn.
  • Consider pruning. Consult a professional about maintenance on dormant trees that could prepare them to better withstand spring weather events.
  • If you are planning to renovate or do upgrades in your yard, schedule a time to meet with a designer ASAP so that the work can be scheduled and underway as soon as possible.
  • Review last year’s garden plan and revise this year’s plan accordingly. Rotate crops such as corn that need to be moved to new locations and make sure plants that love one another such as basil and tomatoes will be planted next to one another.
  • Get online and order seeds to have the best selection available.

Plan so you can have the landscape of your dreams.

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