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Plant native trees and shrubs

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May 28, 2023

Plant native trees and shrubs

Why plant native trees?

1. They are inherently adapted to this area. (Soils, temperature fluctuations, climate)

2. Once established, can it do without supplemental fertilization, watering, pruning?

3. Planting these types of trees and shrubs helps maintain BIODIVERSITY. These trees help birds, butterflies, and other wildlife that can be crowded out by urban development.

Which native trees are recommended?

Bigtooth Maple, Seedless Boxelder such as ‘Sensation’ Maple, Bur Oak, Gambel Oak, Rocky Mountain Birch, Native-collected Quaking Aspen, American Elm, Pinion Pine, Hackberry, Rocky Mountain Juniper, Bristlecone Pine.

What is the key to successful planting?

Put the right planting in the right place! Research the tree or shrub you are thinking about planting. Consider: Does the tree prefer full sun? Shade? Ultimate size? Height and width? Messy fruit produced? Fall color? Showy or inconspicuous flowers? Insect and disease proclivities? Fast growing? Slow growing? Soft wooded? Year-round beauty or interest?

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